Herbicide for wheat field
Active ingredients: 200G/L fluroxypyr EC +10% Tribenuron
Product specifications: ( 15 G +30 Grams) ×200
Product features: This product is a systemic conduction Postemergence herbicides. Soon after the drug is absorbed by the weed, so it appears reaction of hormone herbicides, plant, and distortion. Body in resistant plants, such as wheat, liquid can form conjugates lose toxicity, which is selective. Effective control of broadleaf weeds in winter wheat.
Product performance ( use):
This product is a systemic conduction Postemergence herbicides. Soon after the drug is absorbed by the weed, so it appears reaction of hormone herbicides, plant, and distortion. Body in resistant plants, such as wheat, liquid can form conjugates lose toxicity, which is selective. Effective control of broadleaf weeds in winter wheat.
Using technology and method of use:
Crop ( or scope)
Control object
Preparation dosage
Use method
In winter wheat field
Broadleaf weeds
60-70 Ml / acre
Stem and leaf spray
(Note : (1) hectare dose = MU with a dose x15
(2) Total amount of active ingredient concentration ( mg / kg )=( preparation x1000000) ÷ preparation dilution )
Winter wheat 4 leaf stage to before jointing stage, Broadleaf weeds 2-4 when leaves per hectare using this product against water 450-600 kilograms of stem and leaf spray. Spraying should be thoughtful, even, do not overlap or leak spray.